Video skin generator WordPress plugin HTML5 & Flash videos

Videojs didn’t not update their Videojs to 5.0+ for WordPress and i decided to do it and share it on the WordPress plugins page and go further with HTML5 Video skin builder (Responsive video).

Video js WP plugin Skin generator Pro Version (HTML 5 Video)

Video Skin generator will find all videos Shortcodes, Youtube videos, Youtube Iframes or url, MP4, OGV, M4V, WEBM, FLV Flash and convert theme with you own skin made with Video Skins Builder.

Video Skin Generator come with some prebuilds demos skins to start andĀ help you creating you own skin

Twitter Skin
Twitter Skin

Default Skin
Default Skin
Magnified Skin
Magnified Skin
Rotten Tomatoes Skin
Rotten Tomatoes Skin Skin Skin
Youtube Skin
Youtube Skin
Tech Skin
Tech Skin

Demo page

Videojs Skin generator Demo

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