RSS Feeds News Blocks – Multiple columns RSS generator

RSS Feeds News Blocks like Popurls, Alltop, Netvibes. RSS Feed parser plugin which uses shortcode to fetch and display single and multiple RSS feeds. New style like The Huffington Post or Drudge repport


  • Fetch as many RSS feeds as you want
  • Find and play: Podcast, MP3, OR Video MP4,  Audio, Youtube Channel or Youtube User videos  (demo)
  • Display the RSS feed wherever you want using shortcode, including text widgets
  • Control whether to display the entire RSS feeds content or just an excerpt
  • Control how many words display in the excerpt
  • Control whether it has a Read more link or not
  • Control whether links open in a new window or not
  • Simple, lightweight, and fast
  • Easy to setup
  • Fetch thumbnail or first image
  • Control size of thumbnail
  • Set cache time (in seconds)
  • Control order of items
  • Show more or show less items link Popurl
  • Responsive for mobiles and tablets. Choose between 1 to 6 columns width
  • Translation ready (English, Français). Please share your own translation here
  • Show NEW items of the day with a cool orange dot at the right of each daily NEW items
  • Show images description
  • Display the RSS feed title and show description and image on hover like Popurls, Alltop, Netvibes, Theweblist
  • PLUS buttons to show or hide the descriptions and images with a beautifull animation Find and play Youtube video, mp4, .ogg and many others HTML5 videos in enclosure or in the description
  • Find and play Audio files, mp3, .ogg and many others audio files in enclosure or in the description
  • Use the HTML5 Video player PLYR
  • Show Youtube channel, Youtube user video, find and play Vimeo video
  • Find and show RSS Favicons and Icons. Cache the Favicons url for faster loading
  • Aggregate multiple feeds into one list
  • Hide RSS broken image Show full feed if data content exist in the RSS Feed
  • Merge multiples feeds in one: demo
  • Insert Google adsense Ads between RSS Feeds items (Only available in Newspaper style)

Live Demo: was created with the RSS Feeds News Blocks pro version plugin with the newspaper style in shortcode: newspaper=”1″

newspaper – Choose between News papers styles (1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5) Huffington style (1) Demo | Huffington Merged style (1) DemoHuffington style (2) Demo | Drudge Repport Demo Style (3)Pinterest style (4) DemoPinterest style (5) Demo |  ex: newspaper=”3″


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